China Town, Vancouver, Canada, March 2019
這個早上去了溫哥華唐人街。沒有預計中的多唐人。聽說自從溫哥華多了很多中國人後,四周猶如唐人街 (特別是列志文),唐人街都逐漸失街存在的價值,小了唐人來,老店相繼結業,沒有了以前的熙來攘往。
Continuing to post my photos shot in Canada. This time is the morning of the 6th day.
In this morning, I went to the China Town in Vancouver. It did not have as many Chinese as I expected. I was told that since many Chinese people moved to Canada everywhere is like a China town (esp. Richmond). China town started to lose its value of existence. Fewer Chinese people come here. Old shops are closing down one after one. The street became less hustle and bustle.
The staff of most of these small shops spoke Cantonese. It felt so dear to me. Here I felt like going back to the old Hong Kong.
社區中心。/ Carnegie Community Centre
圖書館。/ The library.
所有路牌都是雙語。/ All the street signs are bilingual.
我。/ Me.
華埠千禧門牌坊。/ Millenium Gate
中山公園。/ Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden
買燒肉。/ Buying roasted meat.
有種老舊的香港味。/ A taste of old Hong Kong.
Recently there were some overseas Hongkongers protesting across the globe but they were all disturbed and harassed by the Chinese people. Hong Kong's communities are not as big as the Chinese ones. Like the students in Australia, they got surrounded and beat up. My heart broke when I saw those videos and lives.
(Konica MG, Kodak Colorplus 200)