After Satoshi Kon

Eunice in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, September 2021 

After watching Satoshi Kon's Millennium Actress in the cinema. I watched 3 works of Satoshi Kon (the other 2 are Perfect Blue and Tokyo Godfathers) in that week. It was satisfying.
不知道原來有影後座談。/ I didn't know that there was a film talk afterwards.丸山正雄突然放了今敏的相在後面。/ Maruyama Masao put the photo of Satoshi Kon behind him all of a sudden.

看鐘樓。/ Looking at the clock tower.鐘樓上的四是「IIII」而不是「IV」。/ 4 on the clock tower is stated as "IIII" instead of "IV".
最近Anson Lo很受歡迎,我都有看港版大叔的愛。/ Recently Anson Lo is quite popular in Hong Kong. I watched Hong Kong version's "Ossan's Love" which starred him.

(Olympus OM-1, Kodak Portra 400)