
Me in Surrey & Langley, Canada, March 2019



下午時,我自己去了Langley。去最後一個目的地前手機沒有電。雖然有帶尿袋,但沒有帶USB線,於是便迷了路 ⋯⋯ 走過火車軌,去到一個沒有人的地方,當時覺得非常害怕。

After playing with Elliot.

During the daytime of day 4, it didn't snow. All the snow was melting. When the snows on all the trees were melting, it looked like raining.

In the afternoon, I went to Langley by myself. When heading to the last destination, my phone ran out of battery. Although I had a power bank, I forgot the usb cable. So I was lost... I crossed the train track and went to a place where there were no one else. It was so scary.
很美麗的畫面。/ Beautiful. 很多小山丘。/ Many tiny mountains. 好像下完一場雨。/ Felt like it was after rain. 我穿了很多層衫。/ I wore many layers of cloth. 去了一間雜貨店,那裏賣的蔬果都是香港有賣的。/ A store where you could find all the vegetables in Hongkong. 要過馬路請按這裏。/ Press here to cross the road. 到了Langley。/ Arrived at Langley. 路過久仰大名的Wendy's。/ Walked passed Wendy's. 鴉。/ A crow. 呀,正。突登來Langley就是為了去Value Village,一間非常大的二手店,貨品很乾淨整齊,不會有美芝味。逛二手店的感覺很滿足。/ My main purpose of coming to Langley -- visiting Value Village (lol). It's a very big second hand shop. The goods were clean and organised. Thrifting is so satifying... 離開Value Village時天空很美麗。/ The sky was beautiful when I stepped out of Value Village. 迷了兩小時左右路後,去了最近的Walmart買USB線 (順便買了盒菲林)。/ After getting lost for nearly 2 hours, I went to the closest Walmart to buy a usb cable (and film).


p.s. 最近香港發生了很多事,所以沒有甚麼心情打blog。

Finally and successfully met up with others and went to Costco.

p.s. Many things happened in Hongkong recently so I am not really in the mood of blogging.

(2 & 3: Nikon F2, Kodak Colorplus 200;
the rest: Nikon F2, Kodak Portra 400)

Good boy Elliot

Elliot, Surrey, Canada, March 2019

In the morning of day 4, I spent some quality time with the good boy, Elliot.

(Olympus OM-1, Kodak Colorplus 200)

About snow

Me in Surrey, Canada, March 2019



2016 年,我在東京第一次見雪,但那一種雪是飄了下來便會馬上溶掉。而且是我在離開東京去機場時下的。記得那一次是東京下的離奇早雪,前一晚在酒店的電視,見到節目主持人在訪問路人關於下一天會下的早雪。當列車去到成田時,外邊已經積了很多雪。



After 7 days, I updated photos from Canada again. Hope I can post all the photos in June. After June, I will have much less free time.

On the 3rd day, it finally snowed.

In 2016, I first saw snow in Tokyo. It was the kind of snow that melted immediately when touched any surface. I was on my way leaving Tokyo to the airport. I remembered it was an abnormally early snow in Tokyo. The night before, I was watching TV in the hotel. The host was interviewing the people on the street about the coming early snow. When the train entered Narita, the scenery became plain white.

In 2017, I saw snow second times in Almaty. But it was the snow accumulated from a period of time ago. When I first touched the now, I was thinking, "Oh it is snow. It feels quite like ice."

This time in Canada, I could finally saw and touch the fresh snow. Everywhere was accumulating snow, ended up everywhere looked plain white. This scenery made me think of a novel I like.
早上醒來後,我走到一個很小的公園。當時仍未下雪,地上的都是之前留下來的積雪。/ After I woke up, I went to a small park. At that moment it had not yet snowed. 這棵樹上有很多烏鴉,牠們不停地叫。當時公園只有我一個人,聽着這些叫聲,突然有點害怕,不過我還是繼續向公園內走去。/ This trees had many crows and they kept calling. At that moment I was the only one in the park. When listening this calling sound, I suddenly felt a bit scared but I still moving inside the park. 公園入面原來有一個小湖,水面都結冰了。/ There was a small pound inside the park. The surface was freezed. 很美麗。/ Beautiful. 甚麼雀的羽毛呢?/ What kind of bird did this feather belong to? 回程。/ Going back. 那棵有很多鴉的樹只剩下一隻鴉在叫。/ The trees that had many crows only had only one crow left.  在雪地上小小的松果,很可愛。/ Tiny pine cones on the snow. So cute. 當時我在屋內,阿姨突然看着窗外說,下雪了。/ I was inside the house. My aunt was looking out of the window and said it was snowing. 同一個繡球花。/ The same hydrangea. 非常喜歡這件外套。/ I like this jacket very much. 出門去。/ Going out. 室內有暖氣,舒服。感受下雪帶來的困擾,都是一種好體驗 ⋯⋯ / It was nice to experience the difficulties brought by snowing... 最後下一大半日雪。/ Ended up it snowed for half a day.
The novel is called Norwegian Woods. It's the first book of Haruki Murakami I have read.

(1: Konica MG, Kodak Colorplus 200;
the rest: Nikon F2, Kodak Portra 400)