On a stiff snowy ground

Surrey, Canada, March 2019


p.s. 當時我還以為相機入面的是 400 度菲林,收菲林那一刻很震驚。

After the afternoon of the first day, it came with the morning of the second day.

p.s. At that moment I though it was a iso 400 film inside the camera. When I opened the camera back, I was in shock.
第一日的下午,完。 / Afternoon of the first day ended. 第二日的早上,開始。陽光從反方向射過來。/ Morning of the second day started. Sun beam came from the other side. 硬了的雪地上有很多 Elliot 的腳印。 / On the stiff snowy ground, there were lots of Elliot's footprints. 枯竭了的繡球花。/ Withered hydrangea flowers.
香港不會落雪。當時的加拿大還是冬天,地上有很多雪 (到第二日仍未下雪)。見到雪便有感而發影了很多相。整趟旅程很寧靜,有感而發地影了很多相。一有感而發便會影很多相。


Hong Kong does not snow. At that moment it was still winter in Canada. When I saw the snow, I felt like making photos, ended up making many photos. In the whole trip, it was peaceful and I kept on feeling like making photos. Once I feel like doing it, I made too many photos. 

Recently I don't have that feel at all. I barely make any photos.

(Nikon F2, Kodak Colorplus 200, Push 1 stop)