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「蘊含了東西世界共通,以人性為基礎而產生的美感 」,說得很好,很喜歡。

My own time

Me copying, Hong Kong, August 2020




It's the peach flower of Yun Shouping.

Every day has 24 hours. There are 6 to 7 hours for sleeping. Half of the rest of the time are sold in exchange for money. When feeling stressed, I will feel like buying things. Then more time are sold for money and more money will be spent. Day by day. Night by night. It will keep on repeating, not knowing when it will end.
顏料。/ Paint. 我都很想在風和日麗、溫度剛好的一天,在山上吹吹風。最好可以看到日落,看到電塔,看到路過的野豬家庭。不過在山上看到日落,代表下山的時間遲了,天很快會黑,會危險。
I wish to visit the mountains on a beautiful day with a beautiful weather. It will be nice to look at the sunset, the power pole and the wild boar family walking pass with some breeze. But if I can see the sunset on the mountain, it will mean the way back would be more dangerous because the sky will turn black soon.

(Olympus OM-1, Kodak Portra 400)

April spring

Koey with me, Yuen Long, Hong Kong, April 2020

A weekend afternoon from a few months ago.
Selfie! 每個結賬的人都會摸到這隻貓。/ Everyone paying money touched this cat. 天氣很好,在這裏一直聽到噪鵑的叫聲。/ The weather was nice. We kept hearing the call of Asian Koel at this place. 三隻貓在招財和招福。/ 3 cats getting money and lucks. 街市。/ Wet market.

(Modified Seagull 4b, Kodak Portra 160)

The Mustard Seed


It's the preface of the Manual of the Mustard Seed Garden compiled during the early-Qing Dynasty. I like it a lot. Let me try to roughly translate it.

Human are just a "leather bag". They will go back to the dust and earth sooner or later. But people don't just work hard for food and keeping themselves warm. They work so hard for art and entertainment which are things not useful for organisms to produce offspring. Somehow in this world there are crazy people admire stone for fun, washing Tung trees for their mind, walking under the moon and flowers, hanging out in the mountain and forest, playing chest for days, painting and doing calligraphy for life. Not doing unhelpful thing won't make them happy. Life is short and their bodies are small but they still do a lot to absorb as much things from the universe as possible. Like a mustard seed holding Mount Meru.  

We are the mustard seeds.

Back to the city

Eunice taking ferry from Cheung Chau to Central, Hong Kong, June 2020

Many windows. I like them.
等待下一班船。/ Waiting for the next ferry. 船駛過時引起的海浪。/ Sea wave from the ferry. 終於回到城市。/ Finally back to the city.
It's stressed to be back.

(Konica MG, Kodak Colorplus 200)

Missing sunrise, eating orange

Cheung Chau, Hong Kong, June 2020



In the morning of the second day, we woke up early, trying to see the sunrise. There were many clouds so we could not see it. But as I had no expectation, I had no disappointment.

At the night of the second day, we slept after eating oranges and brushing teeth.

(1: Konica MG, Kodak Colorplus 200;
2-3: Olympus OM-1, Kodak Ultramax 400)

Missing Cheung Chau

Me with Koey and Eunice, Cheung Chau, Hong Kong, June 2020

The weather of that 2 days were very good. The sun was so bright that we used the umbrella to block the sunshine.
路邊的花與房客沖腳處。/ Flowers on the roadside and the place where hotel residents wash their feet. 美麗的遮。/ Beautiful umbrella. 曬到沙灘都發滾。/ The beach was so hot. 友誼!/ Friendship! 很有名的東堤小築。/ The famous Bela Vista where many people committed suicides. 啤酒。/ Beer. 疫情開始後,長洲小了很多遊客。/ Since the outbreak of virus, Cheung Chau has much less tourists. 兩個我喜歡的人。/ 2 of my favourite people. 大紅花。/ Shoeblackplant flowers. 在長洲一間店買的袋,圖案是生命之花。店員說,自從疫情不可以到日本、泰國旅行,生命好像沒有甚麼意義。/ I bought this bag from a shop in Cheung Chau. The pattern is flower of life. The shopkeeper said as she could not travel to Japan and Thailand since the outbreak, she felt like life had become meaningless. Pose! 家燕一隻。/ A barn swallow. 臨走前再去我買袋的店一趟。/ We visited the store where I bought the bag before leaving.

(2, 3: Olympus OM-1, Kodak Ultramax 400;
the rest: Konica MG, Kodak Colorplus 200)