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Good night!

That night alone

Hong Kong, July 2017

That day it rained a lot. Not long after, I started brush painting.

(Olympus OM-1, Kodak 5219/500t)

Playing with a mirror (as usual)

Selfie, Hong Kong, November 2019

When I feel bored but there is a mirror around.

(Olympus OM-1, Fujifilm Superia X-tra 400)

Six degrees of separation

Inside a minibus after visiting Long Valley (塱原濕地), Hong Kong, July 2018





There is an idea called "Six degrees of separation". It means 2 people are at most 6 social connections away from each other. For example, A and B don't know each other but A is at most a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of B.

The world is so small. A virus could be rapidly spread out within a short period between human and human. It has been less than half a year (I first knew the virus in November but the actual starting time is unknown unless that country could give us an honest answer) since the outbreak first started in a city to the whole world. From Wuhan to Greenland, there are people who got infected. At least 360 thousand confirmed cases have been recorded across the globe (But I believe the actual numbers of infected people are more than this figure. Maybe not just a double.).

Luckily, my family and friends are still alright. We have been living cautiously these days.

In Hong Kong, there are so far 318 confirmed cases. One of them works at the same building with me. One of them is separated from me with 2 degrees. One of the new additions tonight is separated from me with 1 degree (I hope this one degree is alright).

Stay safe. Stay beautiful.

(Olympus OM-1, Kodak Colorplus 200, Push 1 stop)

The neon sign of Tsui Wah

Koey in Jordon, Hong Kong, September 2019

This neon sign looks nice. The last time I ate at Tsui Wah was 2 years ago. I ate a plate of fried noodles which tasted burnt.

FYR: Some people in Hong Kong are boycotting this restaurant.
一隻瘦瘦的貓。/ A skinny cat. 最近香港的街上都多了很多人,亦多了不戴口罩的人。雖然最近的情況好像受控了,希望大家都不要掉以輕心。
Recently there are more people on the street in Hong Kong and more people are not wearing masks. Although the situation here seems controlled now, hope everyone stay alert.

p.s. Keep calm and wear mask, especially those people in the western countries. I am surprised and disappointed by how some people in the West discriminate/tease people wearing mask.

(Olympus OM-1, Fujifilm Superia X-tra 400)

Stop dreaming

A cat in Jordon, Kowloon, Hong Kong, May 2017

From the same roll of film but I only published 2 of the photos in 2017.
不美麗的風景。/ Not a beautiful scenery.
I miss this camera.

(Mamiya C330F, Fujifilm Pro400h)

Second roll of Yashicaflex

Hong Kong, March 2020

After trying out black and white film, I tried colour negative. But there is a problem with the negative so the photos have some weird marks on. What a pity.
Seagull 4b and a can of Asahi.

(Yashicaflex, expired Kodak Ektar 100)

Cats don't wear masks

Hong Kong, February 2020

Most people in the public are wearing masks. None of the cats in the public wear masks.
地鐵。/ Metro. 貓鼻。/ Nose of a cat. 很可愛的字體。/ "Car cleaning". The fonts are cute. 又是這隻貓。另一隻沒有入鏡。/ This cat again. Another one was not inside this photo. 豬肉檔。/ Pork butcher shop. Selfie.
Cats are cool.

(Olympus OM-1, Kodak Portra 400)

First roll of Yashicaflex

Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong, August - September 2019




I forgot the exact time when I took these photos but roughly remember that they were shot between August and September 2019.

I was testing out my newly owned camera which I acquired at the beginning/in the middle of 2019. A screw is missing from this camera to hold the film back. It not only causes the film back loose but also light leak. I used many tapes to temporarily fix it. Look nice here. I will try colour film soon.

I only got them developed these photos a week ago. Many things happened in this one year of time. My attention was caught by the news. Many things were left unfinished. I hate it when it happened. "Poor people are fooled. Kwun Tong are rebuilt.", ""Liberate Hong Kong. Revolution of our time". 很旋的散景。/ Swirly boken. "Bad police return eyes"

(Yashicaflex, expired Fujifilm Acros 100)