First roll of Yashicaflex

Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong, August - September 2019




I forgot the exact time when I took these photos but roughly remember that they were shot between August and September 2019.

I was testing out my newly owned camera which I acquired at the beginning/in the middle of 2019. A screw is missing from this camera to hold the film back. It not only causes the film back loose but also light leak. I used many tapes to temporarily fix it. Look nice here. I will try colour film soon.

I only got them developed these photos a week ago. Many things happened in this one year of time. My attention was caught by the news. Many things were left unfinished. I hate it when it happened. "Poor people are fooled. Kwun Tong are rebuilt.", ""Liberate Hong Kong. Revolution of our time". 很旋的散景。/ Swirly boken. "Bad police return eyes"

(Yashicaflex, expired Fujifilm Acros 100)