Our normal life

Tai Po, Hong Kong, November 2018



Photos from more than a year ago.

Recently I have more time at home. I spent more time on sorting out the photos that were not yet edited. At the same time, I shot much less photos. So it turns up all the photos I have been posting here recently are not from this year.
花。/ Flower. 不吻合。/ Unmatched. 開始日落。/ Sun set soon. 漁船。/ Boats. 全片幅。/ Full frame. 風箏。/ Kites. 八仙嶺。/ Pat Sin Leng. 中片幅。/ Medium format. 飛機雲。/ Contrail. 大片幅。/ Large format.

Things before a year ago were very normal but the normality we had been living with was not normal at all.

(Nikon F2, Kodak Porta 400)