A hibiscus plant nursery

Kadoorie Farm & Botanical Garden, Tai Po, Hong Kong, August 2019

At that moment, many orchids bloomed.
要被除去的雜草。Weeds to be removed. 要被除去的。/ To be removed.除去的。/ Removed.有隻貓路過。/ A cat walked pass. 苗圃。/ The nursery. 蝴蝶。/ A butterfly. 種在樹上的蘭花。/ Orchid planted on a tree. 聽說都是人手種上去的。 又是蕨。/ Ferns again.



I try to stay at home as much as I could due to the new virus. Many of my plans are canceled. I also took much less photos. Although all of us say we hope it could end earlier, we all know that the days like this will last for a long period of time.

I was a child in 2003.

Wish everyone well.

(Olympus OM-1, Kodak Colorplus 200, push 1 stop)