The neon sign of Tsui Wah

Koey in Jordon, Hong Kong, September 2019

This neon sign looks nice. The last time I ate at Tsui Wah was 2 years ago. I ate a plate of fried noodles which tasted burnt.

FYR: Some people in Hong Kong are boycotting this restaurant.
一隻瘦瘦的貓。/ A skinny cat. 最近香港的街上都多了很多人,亦多了不戴口罩的人。雖然最近的情況好像受控了,希望大家都不要掉以輕心。
Recently there are more people on the street in Hong Kong and more people are not wearing masks. Although the situation here seems controlled now, hope everyone stay alert.

p.s. Keep calm and wear mask, especially those people in the western countries. I am surprised and disappointed by how some people in the West discriminate/tease people wearing mask.

(Olympus OM-1, Fujifilm Superia X-tra 400)