My own time

Me copying, Hong Kong, August 2020




It's the peach flower of Yun Shouping.

Every day has 24 hours. There are 6 to 7 hours for sleeping. Half of the rest of the time are sold in exchange for money. When feeling stressed, I will feel like buying things. Then more time are sold for money and more money will be spent. Day by day. Night by night. It will keep on repeating, not knowing when it will end.
顏料。/ Paint. 我都很想在風和日麗、溫度剛好的一天,在山上吹吹風。最好可以看到日落,看到電塔,看到路過的野豬家庭。不過在山上看到日落,代表下山的時間遲了,天很快會黑,會危險。
I wish to visit the mountains on a beautiful day with a beautiful weather. It will be nice to look at the sunset, the power pole and the wild boar family walking pass with some breeze. But if I can see the sunset on the mountain, it will mean the way back would be more dangerous because the sky will turn black soon.

(Olympus OM-1, Kodak Portra 400)