The Mustard Seed


It's the preface of the Manual of the Mustard Seed Garden compiled during the early-Qing Dynasty. I like it a lot. Let me try to roughly translate it.

Human are just a "leather bag". They will go back to the dust and earth sooner or later. But people don't just work hard for food and keeping themselves warm. They work so hard for art and entertainment which are things not useful for organisms to produce offspring. Somehow in this world there are crazy people admire stone for fun, washing Tung trees for their mind, walking under the moon and flowers, hanging out in the mountain and forest, playing chest for days, painting and doing calligraphy for life. Not doing unhelpful thing won't make them happy. Life is short and their bodies are small but they still do a lot to absorb as much things from the universe as possible. Like a mustard seed holding Mount Meru.  

We are the mustard seeds.