White Rock, BC

White Rock, Canada, March 2019

有差不多10日沒有再放加拿大一星期之旅的相片,可能最後要用半年才可以把那一星期影的相全部都放上來。最近生活上有很多變化,所以都沒有心機去打 blog、執相,傷惱恨,但沒有辨法。


I didn't post any photos from my 1-week trip in Canada for nearly 10 days. I probably need half a year to post all the photos taken in only 1 week. Recently there are many changes in life so I don't feel like updating blog, editing photos.

After the special posts ("the Lonely Heart" and "Cute Seagulls"), this time is simply documenting what I saw in White Rock.
在空中飄揚的加拿大國旗。/ Canadian flag fluttering in the breeze. 鴉。/ A crow. 不知要多久後才可以再開放的碼頭。/ A pier which no one knows when it will open again. 小石與浪。/ Tiny rocks and waves. 鵝。如果在香港街上見到,會是一番怪異的景象。/ Gooses. If we saw it in Hong Kong, it would be a weird scene. Alison
不停地向前行。/ Kept walking. 平靜。/ Calming. 很多鴉。/ Many crows. 經過一片被圍欄圍住的大片空地,奇怪地有大班海鷗聚集在一起。/ Walked pass a enclosed big open area where a flock of seagulls was having a gathering. 目見到一個有警告的入口。/ Saw an entrance with some warnings. 剛才在另一邊見到的同一條火車軌。/ The same track we saw on the other side. 又是一個沙灘。/ The entrance connected to another beach. 回程。/ Leaving. 找巴士站時經過的小店。/ The shops we saw on the way to the bus stop.

(Olympus OM-1, Kodak Colorplus 200)