Kawaii gulls

Glaucous-winged gulls and the damaged pier, White Rock, Canada, March 2019

白石鎮之寂寞的心後,今次這篇 post 是獻給在白石鎮見到的可愛海鷗。牠們真的是非常可愛。
After the Lonely Heart in White Rock, this post is dedicated to all the lovely gulls seen in White Rock. They are so cute.
真的是單腳企還是角度問題呢?/ Is is standing with one foot only? Or just the angle?  左邊那隻在望鏡頭嗎?/ Are the one on the left looking into the camera?
I wonder if the gulls themselves know how cute they actually are.

(5 & 8: Konica MG, Kodak Colorplus 200;
The rest: Olympus OM-1, Kodak Colorplus 200)