Chrysanthemum, Jesus light, mirrors and me

Me with Mason and Ronny in Tung Lung Chau (東龍島/Eastern Dragon Island), Hong Kong, June 2016

非常非常炎熱的一天由 Mason 遲到超過半小時以至我們要衝去碼頭作開端。
A super super hot day started by Mason being late for more than half an hour and thus us rushing to the ferry pier.
吃東西先。/ Food first. 菊花蜜,消暑佳品。/ Chrysanthemum honey drink. Perfect for summer. 雞乸山。/ Hen hill. 面對着海感覺真好,可惜烏雲比較多。/ So nice to be by the seaside but a pity that it was overcasting. 從某處經大海飄來的垃圾。/Trash  from somewhere washed ashore.
美麗的雲。/ Beautiful clouds. 原本想鄧梓峰地過一天,但最後即興加插了行山這一環。/Planned to have an easy day but ended up with an impromptu hike. 穿住短褲走過這條植物長得太過茂盛的山路不是一件容易事。/ Not an easy task to walk through a trail with overgrown plants when wearing shorts. 我常常都是最慢的一個。/ Am always the slowest one. "Dangerous dog inside. No entry." "Ich habe hunger." 耶穌光。/ In Hongkong, we called it the Jesus light. 等船回到城市時看雲。/ Clouds watching when waiting for the ferry to go back to the city.

(Olympus OM-1, Expired Kodak Gold 200)