Just love good leaves.

Sueon's stopover in Hong Kong, September 2016

Another day chilling around but with Sueon who I haven't seen for 2 years. It's a shame it rained throughout the day but I am still glad to see her again. We both look differently now. I couldn't recognise her at first but her voice is still the same. Time flies. (Is time a kind of bird?) 到茶樓吃點心。有很多很多的蝦。/ Chinese restaurant for dim sum time which consisted of too many shrimps.  看起來很奢華,其實只是另一間港式茶樓。/ Fancy looking but just another Chinese restaurant in Hong Kong. 到Mom's Not Home吃蛋糕和飲茶。/ Mom's not Home for tea and cake time. 隔離檯的人。為她們着想,腰挺直會好點。/ People from the next table. For their own good, siting straight would be better. 看東西。/ Looking at things. 試東西。/ Trying on things. Okay la. 我叫他做傷心的男孩Mad John。/ I name him Sad Boy Mad John. 搭山頂纜車上山頂。/ Going up to the Victoria Peak with the tram. 但太大壓霧了,丁點的維多利亞港都看不見。/ But it was terribly foggy that we couldn't see a tiny bit of the Victoria Harbour. 我又差點沒命。不久後便回到城市去。/ I nearly got killed again. Later went back to the city.

Then I ran out of film so that's the end of the story.

p.s. Auf Wiedersehen!

(Olympus OM-1, Kodak Porta 160)