
Koey at Tao Fong Shan(道風山), Hong Kong, June 2016 


「道風山建築群雖是古色古香,富中式寺廟特色,但它一開始已是由一名挪威籍宣教士艾香德牧師(1877-1952)創辦。他於1904年抵達中國湖南傳道。在當時,他對中國的宗教興趣日濃,並燃起專向佛教徒傳道的異想。他在1922年在南京創立『景風山』,主要傳教對象是佛教及道教徒。後因軍閥內戰的緣故,艾香德牧師於1930年把工作由內地遷移至香港,在沙田創辦『道風山基督教叢林』,為了吸引佛、道教徒前來道風山學道,艾香德牧師更邀得丹麥著名建築師艾術華(Johannes Prip-Moller)設計龐大的中國式建築群。」

I want to introduce this center but I think wiki does a better job. So let's welcome wiki to be the guest writer!

"The Centre was founded in 1930 by the Norwegian missionary Karl Ludvig Reichelt (1877–1952). Reichelt was sent to Hunan province in China in 1904. There he gradually developed an idea to share the gospel with Buddhists. In 1930, due to the chaos of the Chinese civil war, Reichelt moved his work to Sha Tin, Hong Kong, and asked a Danish architect, Johannes Prip-Moller to design the buildings."
迷官。/ Shoe lace tying inside a maze. "The Offices and Art Shop" 教堂出面的銅鐘。/ "The Bell outside the Chapel"."The Chapel (known as The Christ Temple) is an octagonal structure." 白千層。/ White paperbark can hardly hide.  "A 12-metre-high cross, facing Sha Tin, is the hallmark of the Centre."

(Olympus XA-1, Kodak Ultramax 400)