The sun set but will rise again

Sunset Peak (大東山) with Mason & Ronny, Hong Kong, December 2017

四年前的12月我來過這裡行山,那是我第一次正式行山 (那些小山丘就不計了)。當時山上只是間中會見到其他行山客。四年後再次來臨,人非常的多,自己亦都已行過香港不少山。


I came here to go hiking for the first time (not counting the tiny hills) in December of 4 years ago. During that hike, I only came across other hikers from time to time. 4 years after, a lot of people were here and I myself have also hiked to quite a number of mountains in Hong Kong.

I was so weak this day. They needed to keep on waiting for me.
大家都來拍照。/ Everyone was taking photos. 海就在那頭。/ There was the sea. 途中還是見到有人會在小屋上休憩。/ Along the way I still saw people resting on the rooftops of the cabins. 小屋變醜了以外,有意義嗎?/ Besides of the cabin becoming ugly, what's the point of writing these few words? 走錯了的路。/ The wrong way. 在日落前下了山。/ We left before the sun set.
(Olympus OM-1, Kodak Proimage 100)