Orchid danced

Orchid, Hong Kong, May 2018 

They somehow look like dancers to me.

(Olympus Pen F, Bergger Pancro 400)

Two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl

Fish in a restaurant, Jordon, Hong Kong, February 2018
So grainy. And I used a half-frame camera.
等上菜時。/ Waiting for food. 水面。/ Water surface.  一條被吃的魚。/ An eaten fish.

(Olympus OM-1, Bergger Pancro 400)

Kachnar flower everywhere

Tate's Cairn, Kowloon, Hong Kong, March 2018


木棉花 / Kapok flower 宮粉羊蹄甲 / Kachnar flower 長紋黛眼蝶 / Lethe europa

(Olympus OM-1, expired Fujichrome Velvia 100)

A zoo

A zoo in Panyu, China, December 2017 

I went to a zoo in Panyu. It is so boring to see the animals living in a caged artificial environment. Birds also barely flew because their flight feathers were obviously cut and even to the extent that cause permanent disability.
很不健康的毛。/ Unhealthy feathers.很喜歡看錦鋰。/ I like watching Koi. 大家都說這個動物園的動物很乖呢。/ Everyone said the animals in this zoo were so well-behaved. 搭了架小火車去看動物。悶到睡着了。/ Took a mini train to see the animal. Too boring that I fell asleep.

Please do not take me to this place again.

(Olympus OM-1, expired Fujifilm 業務用 400)

That bear and that tiger

Panyu, China, December 2017 

After Shenzhen, went to Panyu. So boring. But very lucky to see Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Dorbz.

(Olympus OM-1, expired Fujifilm 業務用 400)

A night in Shenzhen

A night and a morning in Shenzhen, China, December 2017

之後就去番禺 (這裏這裏)。

I spent 3 days in mainland China in December of last year. A boring trip.
Then went to Panyu (here and here).
四周都有共享單車。/ Sharing bike everywhere.
最後的這一張相為我招惹了一小點麻煩。/ The last photo brought me a bit of trouble.

Me at that moment was suffering from a bad back pain.

(1: Olympus OM-1, expired Fujifilm 業務用 400
2-10: Olympus OM-1, Kodak Portra 400;
11-16: Olympus OM-1, expired Fujifilm 業務用 400)

"Phoenix wood"

Koey & 鳳凰木 Royal poinciana in Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong, April 2018 

Flowers again.

(Olympus OM-1, Fujifilm C200)