A zoo in Panyu, China, December 2017
I went to a zoo in Panyu. It is so boring to see the animals living in a caged artificial environment. Birds also barely flew because their flight feathers were obviously cut and even to the extent that cause permanent disability.
很不健康的毛。/ Unhealthy feathers.
很喜歡看錦鋰。/ I like watching Koi.
大家都說這個動物園的動物很乖呢。/ Everyone said the animals in this zoo were so well-behaved.
搭了架小火車去看動物。悶到睡着了。/ Took a mini train to see the animal. Too boring that I fell asleep.
Please do not take me to this place again.
(Olympus OM-1, expired Fujifilm 業務用 400)