Our home was their home

Wetland Park, Tin Shui Wai, Hong Kong, February 2019

It hurts my ears when some people say they love nature but support developing the country park.

Instgram and Facebook have restricted my account nearly a month now.

(Mamiya C330F, expired Rollei RPX 100, self developing with Fujifilm Super Prodol)

A long day

Hong Kong, October 2019


p.s. 我的 blog link 在 Instagram 和 Facebook 上仍然被封。

This is the day when mask started to become sensitive item. This is the night when I could not go home.

p.s. My blog link is still blocked on Instagram and Facebook. 樹蔭。/ Shades of trees. 簕杜鵑。 / Bougainvillea. 下一日的早上。/ Next day's morning.

(Modified Seagull 4b, Kodak Portra 400)


Kadoorie Farm & Botanical Garden, Tai Po, Hong Kong, August 2019

I like this place very much. Everyone is working hard to protect Hong Kong's nature.
蕨類植物的孢子。/ Ferns' spores. 人工種植在樹上的蘭。相片中間有幾朵粉紅色的蘭花。/ These are some orchids artificially planted on trees. There are a few pink orchid flowers close to the middle of this photo.非常炎熱的一天。/ An extremely hot day.蘭。/ Orchids. 人類的建設,大自然的破壞。/ Human's construction. Nature's destruction.

Few days later Mr. Kadoorie published a letter to the people of Hong Kong in a newspaper.

(Nikon F2, expired Fujifilm Superia X-tra 400)

Empty R

Train station, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong, May 2019



Today is the third day HK MTR stops service.

On the first day, I was on the way home when they stopped service. Then I hurried up and walked to the ferry pier in fear of missing the last ferry. After crossing the harbour, the bus also stopped service and I could not find a taxi or Uber. Ended up I could not go home.

They do not vandalise MTR for no reasons. At the beginning of the movement, even at the most intense moment, people still lined up and bought their train tickets.

(Olympus OM-1, Fujifilm Superia X-tra 400)

There is hope

Eunice, Hung Hom, Hong Kong, February 2019


"These days everyone has shed a lot of tears. But this time behind the tears, there is hope."

Flash on and off.

(Konica Big Mini, Kodak Colorplus 200)