Like the old days

Ronny and Mason, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, August 2020

It's been 1 year since we last met. I wonder when I will see them again.
I carry a small bottle of alcohol hand sanitiser with me.

(Konica MG, Kodak Gold 200)

No new thing under the sun

Me & Koey, Hong Kong, August 2020 


(Canon AE-1, expired Fujifilm Acros 100)

Emotionless ink


我最近都在臨摹惲壽平的畫 (不久之前影過其中一幅畫的相)。他是其中一位我非常喜歡、欣賞的畫家。 最近去藝術館見到他與好友王翚一起畫畫的的真跡。沒有預料下見到他的真跡,非常愉快。

Have we met before?

Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, August 2020

Visiting exhibition again. Visiting exhibition is a happy thing.
去了看楊學德的展覽 --「好像在那裏見過你」。非常喜歡這個展覽。/ We visited Yeung Hok Tak's "Have we met before?" exbition. I like it a lot.很多幅畫都很喜歡,特別是這一幅。如果我有錢有空間來收藏就好。/ I like most of his painting but this one has more of my likings in particular. If I were rich with lots of space at home, it would be great to collect it. 我與斑鳩們。很多人都很討厭牠們,傷心。/ Me and the doves. Many people hate them. Sad.向上走。/ Going up. 夕。/ Sunset.

(Konica MG, Kodak Gold 200)