Kadoorie again

Kadoorie Farm & Botanical Garden, Tai Po, Hong Kong, July 2020


I had only been to this place once this year. Given the situation of the corona virus, it is not opened for public most of the time. I like this place a lot. I could quietly look at the plants and sometimes ask the staff questions about plant. But due to my bad memory, I forgot most of the answers.
銅錘玉帶草 / Pratia nummularia 翠雲草 / Blue spikemoss小溪中有些從樹上跌下來的蓮霧。/ There were some Java apples fallen from the trees in the stream. 血紅樹蘭 / Fire-star orchid 蘭花 / Orchid 大紅花的花蕊 / Pistil of shoeblackplant我 / Me好像星星。今早起床前夢見香港的夜空有很多星星。/ Looks like stars. This morning before I woke up, I dreamed that there were lots of stars in the sky of Hong Kong. 可愛。/ Kawaii. 電塔看起來很平靜。/ The power pole looked peaceful.

(Nikon F2, expired Centuria DNP200)