Thunderstorm and "Good to be alive"

Irene hiking at Tsing Yi Peak a.k.a. Sam Chi Heung (三支香), Tsing Yi, Hong Kong, July 2016 




[Sam Chi Heung literally means "three joss sticks" as it is a hill made up of 3 peaks.]

This hike is my-closest-to-death experience. Looking up from the weather forecast, I knew it was going to have scattered shower. At the beginning, the weather was quite nice. But in an instance, the weather turned real bad. We ended up soaking wet and even saw a lighting streaked at the power pole next to us. It's a day of high level of adrenalin.

Once is too much for this kind of experience.
陽光普照和大汗淋漓。(那些是菲林上的塵,不是Irene的污穢。) / Sunny and sweaty. (Those are dust from film not dirt on Irene.) 植物欣賞。/ Plant appreciation. 跑山人士經過。當時的我們仍未意識到這個陌生人(下稱,大叔)將會是今次事件的關鍵人物。/ Mountain runner passed by. At that moment we didn't realise this stranger (the Uncle) would become the key person of this event. 更多植物鑑賞。/ More plant appreciation. 從第一個峰看見的風景。/ The view from the 1st peak.




Then I didn't take any photos for a period of time

On the way to the 2nd peak, the rain got stronger and it started thundering. What made it worse was that we were on a mountain surrounded by trees and power pole. So we decided to go back to the pavilion at where we started. We began running and ran nonstop. My body was still so unfit although I have gone on hiking from time to time. My legs fatigued. But whenever I slowed down my pace, Irene shouted at me, "Run!".

Back to the 1st peak, we saw the power pole next to us got struck by lightning. Then we started running again. We found the Uncle was hiding under a rock. He joined us and we ran down to the pavilion together. My poor legs started shaking.
終於回到涼亭來避雨和雷,同時與大叔聊天。/ Finally back to the pavilion and waiting for the rain and thunderstorm to stop; meanwhile, chatting with the Uncle.
雨細了,雷聲亦遠離,於是繼續上路。風景的確很美。/ The rain was getting smaller and the thunder was further away. Then we kept going. The view was indeed decent. 大叔向我們解釋貨船如何進入和離開香港,還有青衣橋的結構。/ The Uncle explained how the cargo ships entered and left Hongkong and talked about the structure of Tsing Yi bridge.
As lame as it may sound, "Good to be alive" is the first thing I thought of after going back to the city.

(Olympus Pen FV, Kodak Colorplus 200, film soaking)

Striped self and the green changing room

Me in Mong Kok, Hong Kong, August 2016

I have not been creative for a long time. I only use photography for documentation. I have been doing shopping quite a lot recently. The moment of buying feels real good but after that it feels awful. But that moment of feeling good is good enough.

(Olympus Pen FV, Kodak Colorplus 200, film soaking)

I am not the same person who walked in.

村上春樹《海邊的卡夫卡》/Haruki Murakami's Kafka on the Shore

And once the storm is over you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about. 
Indeed. I suddenly thought of something heard from a couple of years ago -- "People who change are those lack of confidence".

p.s. Currently listening to David Bowie & Kristen Wiig - Space Oddity (The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Soundtrack).

Annoyed uncle and kawaii dinosaurs

Hong Kong, July 2016

1. Letter from Sueon (How I look like when I am annoyed.)
2. 3D dinosaur book (I can't read Japanese though.)

The 2 things I like a lot.

(Olympus OM-1, Kodak Ultramax 400)

Away from responsibilty: Traveling to space, floating in a void and thinking of nothing

Victoria Peak, Hong Kong, July 2016

A city where I call home. I never get bored of this view but sometimes hate it.
可惜地又是灰朦朦的。/ Sadly it was covered in smog as usual. 白晝和黑夜時是兩個不一樣的景緻。/ Daytime and nighttime are two different views.

I am so looking forward to the day that I can handle stress well. Am also so looking forward to the day I can travel to space, floating in a void and thinking of nothing.

(Olympus OM-1, Kodak Ultramax 400)

The warmth of the sun

Koey in Mong Kok, Hong Kong, June 2016 

Typhoon signal no.8 and amber rainstorm signal are hoisted right now. So at this weather-being-not-so-nice moment, here I post some photos shot on a sunny day.
人群。/ Crowd.
現在我在聽Apparat的Krieg und Frieden (Music For Theatre)。
I am currently listening to Apparat's Krieg und Frieden (Music For Theatre).

(Olympus XA-1, Kodak Ultramax 400)

I don't want to get tanned though

Irene kayaking(sit-inside) around Sai Kung, Hong Kong, May 2016

路線:沙下灘 --> 白沙洲 --> 橋咀 --> 鹽田仔 --> 沙下灘
Route: Sha Ha beach --> Pak Sha Chau --> Sharp Island --> Yim Tin Tsai --> Sha Ha beach

It was my first time to do sit-inside kayaking. I do not recommend beginner to do sit-inside without guidance. By the way summer is too hot for hiking but just right for kayaking. 美麗的雲朵和一條塵。/ Beautiful clouds. 退色的鷹。/ Faded eagle. 在橋咀散一會兒心。/ Chilling at Sharp Island. 橋咀。/ Sharp Island. 看起來像幅油畫。/ Look like an oil painting.  鹽田仔那座白色小教堂。/ That small white chapel in Yim Tin Tsai. 在鹽田仔的一間茶餐廳歇息。/ Taking a rest at a restaurant in Yim Tin Tsai. 鹽田仔碼頭 + 準備出發回程。/ Yin Tin Tsai Pier + Ready to go back. 回到沙下灘。/ Back to Sha Ha Beach.

p.s. 不想曬黑,但我真的很喜歡到戶外去,因為我太喜歡太陽了。/ I don't want to get tanned but can't stop myself from going outdoor because I like the sun too much.

(Olympus OM-1, expired Kodak Gold 400)