I don't want to get tanned though

Irene kayaking(sit-inside) around Sai Kung, Hong Kong, May 2016

路線:沙下灘 --> 白沙洲 --> 橋咀 --> 鹽田仔 --> 沙下灘
Route: Sha Ha beach --> Pak Sha Chau --> Sharp Island --> Yim Tin Tsai --> Sha Ha beach

It was my first time to do sit-inside kayaking. I do not recommend beginner to do sit-inside without guidance. By the way summer is too hot for hiking but just right for kayaking. 美麗的雲朵和一條塵。/ Beautiful clouds. 退色的鷹。/ Faded eagle. 在橋咀散一會兒心。/ Chilling at Sharp Island. 橋咀。/ Sharp Island. 看起來像幅油畫。/ Look like an oil painting.  鹽田仔那座白色小教堂。/ That small white chapel in Yim Tin Tsai. 在鹽田仔的一間茶餐廳歇息。/ Taking a rest at a restaurant in Yim Tin Tsai. 鹽田仔碼頭 + 準備出發回程。/ Yin Tin Tsai Pier + Ready to go back. 回到沙下灘。/ Back to Sha Ha Beach.

p.s. 不想曬黑,但我真的很喜歡到戶外去,因為我太喜歡太陽了。/ I don't want to get tanned but can't stop myself from going outdoor because I like the sun too much.

(Olympus OM-1, expired Kodak Gold 400)