Bird watching

Wetland Park, Tin Shui Wai, Hong Kong, March 2018

這天拿了我鏡藏中已經是最長焦的鏡頭去拍照 ⋯⋯ 其實都知道200mm一定會不夠用。沒多久便傳來Agfa Vista停產的消息。
This day I brought my longest distance lens to make photos... although I knew 200mm was surely not enough. Not long after Agfa Vista is reported to be discontinued.
山指甲花。/ Ligustrum sinense. 紅耳鵯。/ Red-whiskered bulbul. 越大變得越健談,但亦都變得越內向。一直都想轉換下環境,給自己一些新衝擊。

(Olympus OM-1, Agfa Vista 400)