It was a year ago I last cycled

Irene and Sisi cycling to Tai Mei Tuk, Hong Kong, April 2021 




This winter I didn't go hiking nor cycle. Now let's look at the photos taken from last year when I went cycling. On that day, we discovered a small patch of mangrove forest.

I can't remember if I have finished one roll of film this year. But anyway, till now, I am still posting photos from last year.

I feel like these 3 years have disappeared.
我。/ Me.
休息。/ Rest.

自拍。/ Selfie.還了單車後,在回程時經過汀角。這是一個很舒服,又美麗的地方。/ After returning the bicycle, we walked pass Ting Kok. It's a comfortable and beautiful place.秋茄樹種子。/ Seed of Kandelia candel.八仙嶺。/ Pat Sin Leng.
希望香港可以有更多這類地方。/ Wish Hong Kong has more places like this.

(Konica MG, Kodak Gold 200)