In the deepest ocean

Hong Kong, ?? (Summer) 2018







Around 5 years ago, someone jumped from somewhere nearby.

This building has 2 staircases. Around 5 years ago, a woman walked to one of the staircases, broke a window between 2 of the floors and jumped. If it was the same staircase in this photo, we should be looking at a similar view. Maybe now we have more construction site and high-rise buildings.

Recently I am in mood of writing more words.

Recently I made lots of dreams at night. Sometimes I dreamed on people I know and they were doing the things they don't normally in reality. Sometimes I had nightmares which could be very scary to me. After I died and closed my eyes in my dream, I woke up and came back to the real world but then I would fall asleep again very soon and made the next dream.

我自己有一部海鷗4b相機,但這一部不是我那一部。這部是借人的,還機時還被人誣蔑 (機主很小氣的) 我弄壞了部機。之後我自己買了一部,鏡頭改了做 tessar鏡。可以留意下,2019年2月之後海鷗4b的相都是tessar鏡版影的。


Most of the photos were shot in Wan Chai.

I had my own Seagull 4b camera but this one is not the one I own. This one is borrowed from a friend. Mine has the lens changed to tessar. After Feb 2019, all the photos shot with Seagull 4b is from the tessar one.

Developing film by myself is fun.

(Seagull 4b, Fujifilm Acros 100, self developing with Fujifilm Super Prodol)