White Rock, BC

White Rock, Canada, March 2019

有差不多10日沒有再放加拿大一星期之旅的相片,可能最後要用半年才可以把那一星期影的相全部都放上來。最近生活上有很多變化,所以都沒有心機去打 blog、執相,傷惱恨,但沒有辨法。


I didn't post any photos from my 1-week trip in Canada for nearly 10 days. I probably need half a year to post all the photos taken in only 1 week. Recently there are many changes in life so I don't feel like updating blog, editing photos.

After the special posts ("the Lonely Heart" and "Cute Seagulls"), this time is simply documenting what I saw in White Rock.
在空中飄揚的加拿大國旗。/ Canadian flag fluttering in the breeze. 鴉。/ A crow. 不知要多久後才可以再開放的碼頭。/ A pier which no one knows when it will open again. 小石與浪。/ Tiny rocks and waves. 鵝。如果在香港街上見到,會是一番怪異的景象。/ Gooses. If we saw it in Hong Kong, it would be a weird scene. Alison
不停地向前行。/ Kept walking. 平靜。/ Calming. 很多鴉。/ Many crows. 經過一片被圍欄圍住的大片空地,奇怪地有大班海鷗聚集在一起。/ Walked pass a enclosed big open area where a flock of seagulls was having a gathering. 目見到一個有警告的入口。/ Saw an entrance with some warnings. 剛才在另一邊見到的同一條火車軌。/ The same track we saw on the other side. 又是一個沙灘。/ The entrance connected to another beach. 回程。/ Leaving. 找巴士站時經過的小店。/ The shops we saw on the way to the bus stop.

(Olympus OM-1, Kodak Colorplus 200)

Kawaii gulls

Glaucous-winged gulls and the damaged pier, White Rock, Canada, March 2019

白石鎮之寂寞的心後,今次這篇 post 是獻給在白石鎮見到的可愛海鷗。牠們真的是非常可愛。
After the Lonely Heart in White Rock, this post is dedicated to all the lovely gulls seen in White Rock. They are so cute.
真的是單腳企還是角度問題呢?/ Is is standing with one foot only? Or just the angle?  左邊那隻在望鏡頭嗎?/ Are the one on the left looking into the camera?
I wonder if the gulls themselves know how cute they actually are.

(5 & 8: Konica MG, Kodak Colorplus 200;
The rest: Olympus OM-1, Kodak Colorplus 200)

A Lonely Heart Along White Rock Beach

Me along White Rock Beach with mum's finger, White Rock, Canada, March 2019


在白石鎮影了太多相的關係,我會分幾次放白石鎮影的相,其中一篇將會是關於海鷗,而今次是關於我那寂寞的心 -- 大部分相都是我孤獨的背影。

由於其他人都不懂得用手動單反相機,聰明的我特意帶了一部傻瓜機 (原來有漏光問題),所以我都有機會可以上鏡 (但沒有樣睇)。

I spent my second day morning like this. Then we went to White Rock.

There are too many photos shot at White Rock. Therefore, besides of the gulls, here is a post purely dedicated to my lonely heart.

As no one else knows how to use a full manual slr camera, I was smart enough to prepare a point-and-shoot camera (which has a light leak issue) so I can also be inside of the camera. *But no face shown*
非常遺憾,很有名的白石鎮碼頭在上年 12 月的一場巨風中損壞了。/ Regretably, the famous White Rock Pier was damaged in a windstorm in last year's December. 很美麗的海和海灘。很幸運,當日天氣很好。/ A beautiful sea and beach. It was lucky that the weather was nice.噢,我來的。/ Oh it's me.幾隻鴉。/ A few crows.我和鵝。/ Me and gooses.
A carefree day.

(Konica MG, Kodak Colorplus 200)